Background. While I was staying with Connection Rio in Barra da Tijuca, I would constanly have my phone on when I was in the house. I wasn't making calls, but as long as I was near the Connection Rio houses I had wifi. This made it easy for people to get ahold of me/others whenever they wanted. An email, facebook message, or gchat message would generate a vibration cue in my phone. It was pretty helpful.

Laurino, aussie flight attendant conqueror and vodka extraordinaire, took great pleasure in realizing that he could "command" my phone to vibrate at will. This extended beyond both of our stays in Rio, as I will still periodically receive a sole message from him containing the word "VIBRATE". This is my revenge.

Now lets break it down a bit. I wanted to write something that could send Laurino a billion messages that he couldn't do anything about. The obvious answer was to use the integrated Facebook Chat/Graph API. I decided against this because A) I didn't feel like learning it and B) I'm pretty sure Facebook would notice and be like "uh, not cool, account suspended".

At work we work a lot in Python and there is this awesome library called SendKeys that simulates keystrokes into windows. I can, for instance, create a program that enters the letter 'A' wherever I have focus every .05 seconds. Using this, I was able to create a glorious script that not only looks hilarious but is functional as well. All I have to do is set it running on a separate computer (of which I have multiple) and let it run until I feel guilty (fat chance).

You can find the full code here. You'll need Python 2.7 and SendKeys for Python 2.7 (which you may have to google to find). Note their are some substantial changes to get it to work on XP due to very subtle differences between it and 7.

In case anyone is wondering, All this does right now is send the word "HELLO LAURINO" like...every second or so to the target in question

This is pretty simple. The tricks are necessary to make sure it can work for everyone

Note that I wrote this at work (shh) and on a Windows 7 machine (hence the 'Users' directory). I'm going to be running it on an old laptop with XP so I needed to change it accordingly. Now it's time for some real code.

I'm 100% positive there are better ways to accomplish this but if you watch the video you'll see why its so hilarious. Also I wrote it in like 15 minutes.